Boys Style 597

Boys all silk jacket suit set, lace pirate shirt, breeches
Silk Ruffle Sleeve and Lace Collar shirt in white, ivory or bisque
Available in Sizes 4 To Boys Size 14
200+ Colors of silk
Also used for Nutcracker for NEPHEW
Great for Nutcracker Performances
Larger Sizes Slightly Higher Price

Style 597 Boy's prices include the entire outfit. This silk outfit is also available in 200 in-stock colors. It includes a jacket, pirate lace collar shirt to match lace, covered button and breeches

Also used for Nutcracker for NEPHEW
Great for Nutcracker Performances

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Pegeen Flower Girl Dress Company ~ 9147 State Rd 535 Orlando, FL 32836 ~ Shipping World Wide Since 1982
Boys Style 597
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