Nutcracker Party Scene Dress in Arial Blue, Rum Pink
This dress was based on style 398 and had an Arial Blue base, the sash color in Rum Pink. She added Puff Sleeves +10. This was used for their daughter’s performance in the party scene for The Nutcracker ballet. In September, mothers and dance directors alike start calling us to place their orders for their upcoming performance of the Nutcracker Ballet held around Christmas Time. Like our Wedding of the Year Flower Girl Dress that we featured in our full page advertisements in bridal publications like Ceremony Magazine, Luxury Brides, Grace Ormond, and UK Cosmopolitan Brides, these dresses are going to be featured in our ads for various dance publications including Dance Magazine. There were no additional charges for this dress. There were no additional charges for this flower girl dress. Optional prices are subject to change. Check menus for current prices.