Flower girl dress, Lilac and Periwinkle, tulle
This customer chose style 398 flower girl dress the customer was using for her daughter. We feel in love with this customer - as she had a daughter who had been ill and was taking medication to keep her healthy. Well, we wanted to blow this little girl away! First, we added a Lilac silk rose +20, and a bunny trim since she was going to use this for her Easter dress. Her momma also bought her a matching American Doll Dress to match +60. To make things really special for this girl, we decided to put layers of tulle on the skirt so it poked out underneath at no charge and we made a hair bow for her too at no additional charge as well. Mom promised us that when she is better and takes her to Disney World, we are going to get the honor of showing her around Disney for a few hours with a private tour. We are SOOOOO excited to meet this little princess. The dress was in lilac with a periwinkle sash. There were no additional charges for this flower girl dress. Optional prices are subject to change. Check menus for current prices.