Custom flower choices for your flower girl dresses | Pegeen
We are happy to match flowers whenever possible at only the increase in price over our normal flowers. The customer in bottom picture chose a color swap for style 383 (light blue with hydrangea) then wanted hydrangea flowers +25. There were no additional charges for this flower girl dress. Optional prices are subject to change. Check menus for current prices.
The customer in this picture chose a color swap FOR STYLE 383 (light blue with hydrangea) then wanted hydrangea flowers. There was a small charge for this special flower.
Style on 394 and asked for flowers of green orchids. We are happy to match flowers whenever possible at only the increase in price over our normal flowers.
This dress is based on style 307. She wanted a skirt of tiffany blue under her organza and tiffany for the sash with hydrangeas. Her extra charges were $15 for the hydrangeas.