2009 Flower Girl Dresses of the Year - in petal pink and ivory
Sometimes, our brides who use us for their flower girl dresses, become wedding planners
Witness the transformation of brides into wedding planners. Explore Kristin Pantik-Butler's beautiful choice of flower girl and junior bridesmaid dresses, along with her talented vendors and fabulous event planning.
Our bride Kristin Pantik-Butler choose style 313 in Ivory and Petal Pink with Silk Flowers on the back in pink for her flower girl dresses and for the junior bridesmaids dresses she chose Style 383 in Petal Pink with an ivory bustle and added a V-BACK.
To view all Kristin's Vendors: and the FABULOUS Event Planning was by fabulous fête l c 972.679.7518 scroll below

The styles she chose for the girls were 313 and 383 in peony pink

Vendor List Event Design/Calligraphy Fabulous fête Kristin Butler 3704 Minot Avenue Fort Worth, Texas 76133 Kristin@fabulous-fete.com fabulous-fete.com 972.679.7518 Ceremony Park Cities Baptist Church Valerie Bergstrom, wedding coordinator 3933 Northwest Parkway P.O. Box 12068 vlbergstrom@pcbc.org 214.860.1531 Organist Christine Harmon Park Cities Baptist Church 3933 Northwest Parkway P.O. Box 12068 charmon@pcbc.org 214.860.1545 String Quartet Jim Higgins 972.699.9219 2217 Acacia Street Richardson, Texas 75028 cellojim@sbcglobal.net Trumpeter Molly Headd Cell: 214.923.7936 8404 Warren Parkway Frisco, Texas 75034 Molly_headd@allenisd.org or mmheadd@yahoo.com Pianist Mike Springer 805 Cobblestone Drive Lewisville, Texas 75067 Michael@springermusic.com springermusic.com 972.420.4620 or 972.420.4619 Cell- 972.977.2937 Soloist Lindy Perez 972.743.0573 Richardson, Texas Lindy.Perez@richardson.k12.tx.us Reception Park Cities Hilton Ann Cuellar 5954 Luther Lane Dallas, Texas 75225 ACuellar@hiltonparkcities.com 214.368.0400 Floral Design, Lighting and Chair Rentals Fête Des Fleurs Craig Peeples and Darren Lekar 127 Leslie Street Dallas, Texas 75207 feteguys@fetedesfleurs.com fetedesfleurs.com 214.651.1113 Photographer- Wedding Bludoor Studios Mike and ReJana Krause 1027 Dragon Street Dallas, Texas 75207 info@bludoorstudios.com bludoorstudios.com 817.899.7605 Bridal Portrait Photographer/ Wedding Photographer Anne Silverman anne@annesilvermanphotography.com annesilvermanphotography.com 214.533.5868 or 972.878.0255 Makeup Mayra Rams- Sanabria My Fabulous Faces 2620 Skipwith Drive Plano, Texas 75023 214-789-8379 Mayra@MyFabulousFaces.com MyFabulousFaces.com Hair Osgood O’Neil Stylist - Kimberly 6923 Snider Plaza Dallas, Texas 75225 Drew (to book appointments)214.373.6336 DJ All Star Productions Mike Tiegs / Cameron Fox (owner) 7441 Marvin D. Love Freeway Dallas, Texas 75237 office- 214.642.6468 Cell- 972.859.0272 Wedding Cakes/Cupcakes Panini Bakeryrides 6063 Sherry Lane Dallas, TX 75225 (214) 363-1225 paninicakes.com Grooms Cake Dot Lawson 6937 Mill Falls Dallas, Texas 75248 Rentals- Linens Bbj Linen 1444 Oak Lawn Ave # 112 Dallas, TX 75207 214.651.9020 BbjLinen.com Pastor Paul Dorsey Lake Pointe Baptist Church Home- 972.530.9271 Cell- 214.649.1339 Work- 972.495.2713 pauld@lakepointe.org Rolls Royce Rental Wedding - Romantic Remembrances Jerry and Kim, owners 2334 Buckingham Road #230-175 Garland, Texas 75042 jtaylor@romanticremembrances.com 972.494.2162 Cell 214.693.2565 romanticremembrances.com Monogramming Monogrammed Heirlooms, LLC Nellie Feizbakhsh 1668 SE Ripplewood Avenue Hillsboro, Oregon 97123 503.639.5636 info@monogrammedheirlooms.com monogrammedheirlooms.com Wedding Invitations/ menus/ programs Reaves Engraving Jo Caldwell 311 South King Street Laurinburg, North Carolina, 28352 proofs@reavesengraving.com 877.610.4499 Wedding night hotel Ritz Carlton Dallas Confirmation # 81794494 2121 McKinney Avenue Dallas, Texas 75201 214.922.0200 Tuxedos Mister Tuxedo Harold Bell 214.363.1871 6625 Snider Plaza Dallas, Texas 75205 Bridal Luncheon Lee Park at Arlington Hall Lacey Naylor lnaylor@ciemail.com 3333 Turtle Creek Blvd. Dallas, TX 75219 214.526.7664 Celebrity Bakery Celebrity Cafe & Bakery Catering Wedding Day Food for bride and grooms rooms Patty Collins pattiocollins@yahoo.com 469.948.4833 972.550.0685