Flower Girl Dresses in sprite green and pink

Custom Flower Girl Dress in sprite green and lollipop pink Styles 398 and 345

For a vibrant spring wedding, nothing added more charm than the delightful ensembles chosen for the three older Jr. Bridesmaids and the flower girl. The Jr. Bridesmaids donned Pegeen Style 398 dresses in an eye-catching palette of sprite green and lollipop pink. These colors brought a lively and playful energy to the celebration, perfectly reflecting the joy and freshness of the season. The Jr. Bridesmaids' dresses, with their stylish design and vibrant hues, were a true highlight, making the young ladies look both elegant and spirited.

Complementing the Jr. Bridesmaids was the adorable flower girl, dressed in a new ivory gown accented with a lollipop pink Cinderella sash. This dress, with its classic silhouette and vibrant sash, created a beautiful contrast that was both timeless and modern. The flower girl’s attire harmonized perfectly with the Jr. Bridesmaids, creating a cohesive and stunning visual ensemble. The pop of pink added a whimsical touch, making her look like a little princess straight out of a fairy tale.



Custom Flower Girl Dress in sprite green and lollipop Styles 398 and 345
Custom Flower Girl Dress in sprite green and lollipop Styles 398 and 345

The bride’s attention to detail extended to the girls' hairstyles, where each bun was adorned with pink and green pins, adding a delicate and personalized touch. These small yet significant details enhanced the overall look, tying together the color scheme and adding an extra layer of charm. Additionally, the matching umbrellas were a thoughtful and practical accessory, ideal for a spring wedding where the weather can be unpredictable. These umbrellas not only matched the color theme but also added a fun and photogenic element to the day.

Completing the look were the beautiful flower balls that the girls carried. These floral arrangements added an elegant touch, blending seamlessly with the vibrant dresses and accessories. The flower balls were a perfect alternative to traditional bouquets, providing a unique and stylish way for the Jr. Bridesmaids and the flower girl to carry their flowers. This wedding was a beautiful blend of color, style, and thoughtful details, creating a memorable and picture-perfect celebration.

Custom Flower Girl Dress in sprite green and lollipop Styles 398 and 345
Custom Flower Girl Dress in sprite green and lollipop Styles 398 and 345
Custom Flower Girl Dress in sprite green and lollipop Styles 398 and 345
Custom Flower Girl Dress in sprite green and lollipop Styles 398 and 345
Custom Flower Girl Dress in sprite green and lollipop Styles 398 and 345


Pegeen Flower Girl Dress Company ~ 9147 State Rd 535 Orlando, FL 32836 ~ Shipping World Wide Since 1982 Back to Top